Our Charism – What Makes Us Unique?
The Missionary Servants are men of faith, a brotherhood of disciples, who live in community and form apostles. We are dedicated to preserving the Faith among the poor and abandoned.
Let’s take a deeper look…

Men of Faith
Each one of us has a deep love for God and intimate relationship with Him that expresses itself in service to the poor, abandoned, and marginalized. A Missionary Servant is a man of prayer and apostolic zeal – a contemplative in action.

Dedicated to Preserving the Faith
The Missionary Servants help preserve the Faith in areas and among people who have been spiritually neglected or abandoned by empowering them to serve as missionaries in the providence of their everyday life.

Members of a Community
As a community, the Missionary Servants are united by the vision of our founder, Fr. Thomas A. Judge, and are committed to living the Rule of Life he inspired. Even when out in the missionary field, his vision keeps us united in “doing all for the love of God”.

A Brotherhood of Disciples
The Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, priests and Brothers, serve side-by-side in community and in mission. We embrace our diversity as reflective of God’s Kingdom and equally embrace the gifts that God has given us in advancement of the Gospel.
If you feel you may be called to the life and charism of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity, then we invite you to consider the three questions Fr. Thomas A. Judge asked every young man considering a vocation with us:
Do you love God? • How much do you love God? • What sacrifices would you make for the love of God?